Universal Cloud Adapter Cloud Adapter protocols
OPC UA to Cloud

With OPC UA to the Cloud

OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) is a widely used standard for data exchange. The OPC-UA protocol consists of many parts. The Universal Cloud Adapter uses Data Access to read and write variables. The browse function is particularly convenient. It allows all available variables of an OPC-UA server to be queried and made available to the cloud. Typical areas of application are machine and plant control systems that are monitored and analyzed in the cloud with the help of OPC UA.

For the cloud connection, the software module Universal Cloud Adapter is required. The Cloud Adapter can be installed on any Windows or Linux device (x86, x64 or ARM). The setup is explained in “Getting Started“. Alternatively, you can also use the AnyViz IoT Gateway.

OPC UA Topology

OPC-UA is a classic client/server protocol. Typically, end devices only implement the OPC UA server part. The cloud adapter as client can connect to several servers to browse and exchange data. It uses the binary protocol of the OPC UA specification.

OPC-UA Cloud Functionality

Each OPC-UA device requires an OPC-UA connection in the Universal Cloud Adapter. The server URL usually consists of the prefix “opc.tcp://” and the IP address or hostname of the device. User name and password for authentication can be specified optionally. After successful connection establishment, all variables are immediately browsed and transferred to the cloud. Thus the configuration is completed in very few steps.

Useful information on connectivity

  • Many device manufacturers, such as Siemens or Beckhoff, offer OPC-UA as an additional option. OPC-UA is ideally suited for connecting PLCs that otherwise only support proprietary protocols.

  • The Universal Cloud Adapter uses the subscription feature of the OPC UA standard. This means that variable values are only transferred when changed and only at the interval required by AnyViz. This reduces the load on the network as well as the required computing power of the OPC UA server devices.