Industry 4.0

Optimize processes, centrally control remote sites and keep track of your business. It has never been so easy.

Experience the digital future today and profit from the smart factory. Data recorded from all sites and controls together with elegant evaluations allows you to analyze processes at any time. Work in a team with different devices from anywhere in the world. Condition Monitoring lets you know immediately if faults or set point violations occur.

Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 for small business

So far, small businesses have rarely benefited from Industry 4.0. They can not afford the purchase, installation and maintenance of expensive solutions. Nevertheless, small businesses can also benefit from transparency in the production processes and analysis opportunities. By operating in the cloud, the costs are limited and there is no longterm commitment.

Benefit for public services

Waste water and drinking water systems often lack the use of modern technology. However, this is where early detection of malfunctions and remote monitoring play an important role, especially since sewage plants directly impact our environment.